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Rear end alignment

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Rear end alignment
From: Ben Bacon <Ben@HEI-KC.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 11:26:15 -0500
I've a question about rear end alignment.  My 79 spitfire appears to be
sagging a bit to the right rear.  The right rear wheel looks to have too
much camber as the tire is showing more wear on the inside tread.  The left
rear tire and ride height looks fine.  The right rear is an inch lower then
the left rear.  I've read on the list that the front bushings can also
effect the rear alignment.  The right front sits about ¼" lower then the
left front. I assume that this is due a worn out spring.  Are my options to
have the spring resprung, install a new spring or put air shocks on.  Any
recommendations or suggestions.  

Also, with lot's of people installing dual SU's and webers on their engines,
I assume that there is a glut of old strombergs out there.  Is there a
manifold that you could use to mount dual  150 strombergs onto a 1500
engine.  It seems that you could fab up an adapter plate that would mate a
stromberg carb to a SU header.  Would this work or is this a dumb idea.     


Ben Bacon
79 spitfire FM95212U  (daily driver)  

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