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Seat alternatives

To: "'Spitfires'" <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Seat alternatives
From: "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 16:57:10 -0700
Hello all;

I am interested in knowing what alternatives to the stock seats some of you
may be using.  The seats in my Spitfire are in sad shape.  The cost of new
foam padding, seat covers, and headrests would be well in excess of $600.
So, I am thinking of alternatives.  Corbeau  has 4 models of their seats
that are in the under $220 category that look really nice.  Has anyone tried
Corbeau seats or any other brand for that matter?


'79 Spitfire (original owner)

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