At 11:04 PM 09/15/1999 -0700, Bob Sykes wrote:
>> I tried to determine in the
>> Bentley manual if the lighter is run off that fuse.
>Nope (at least on a '78)
That makes sense... 5 amp continuous is really low for a lighter circuit,
most car's I've seen are 20 - 30 amps on the lighter ("power point" in
>One failure mode for lighters is for the coils to short against adjacent
>The causes the (already low) resistance to drop even further. Increased
>results, followed by (sometimes) blown fuses.
Or, in Triumph's case, melted wiring! <aacckkk>
Anybody ever successfully cleaned-out the lighter's coils? (Mine DOES show
signs of heavy use from the PO.)
And lastly, does my charred fuse 2 (the 10/5 amp one) indicate a poblem I
should be looking into? I haven't noticed any functional problems with the
Atwell Haines