Hello all,
BIG correction to the post below!
The $15 price quoted was for NJTA members. If you wanna join, be our
otherwise the cost per calendar is:
USD $20 for non-members.
Member or not, I think the calendar will be worth the money!
Atwell Haines
This post is an announcement that the New Jersy Triumph Association is now
accepting orders for its Triumph calendar for the year 2000.
For the paltry sum of USD $15 each plus shipping, you will be able to
enjoy full-colour pictures of our favorite automobile line, the whole year
year 'round. Think of it: TR3 through TR6s, Spitfires, Saloons,
GT6s...even close ups of some of the mystery bits that have fallen off
Member's cars!
Order today! They make a great gift! Especially to MG owners! <g>
More information and a print-and-send order form is available at:
Receipt of your payment will guarantee shipment at the beginning of
December, so don't delay.
Thanks for your order,
Atwell Haines
NJ Triumph Association