I just got my '74 Spit and I had almost the same reaction at lights. It is
nice to see some people still think these little cars are worth it :-))
David A. Templeton mailto:davidt@opentext.com
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter S. <alfapete@pacbell.net>
To: Spit-LIST <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 6:15 PM
Subject: What have it done!?!
> Took the Spit to show my brother and his car nut employee. As it used to be
> my brothers car I thought he'd like to see how it came out. He was
> downright shocked. He also said he's surprised how quickly it was
> completed. It been about 3 months.
> I parked at a store and came out and 4 people were standing looking at it.
> The standard statement of "haven't seen one of those for a long time" but
> followed by "it looks new!". Then on the way home while sitting at a
> traffic light a 60-ish man in a car next to me with apparently good taste
> yells out "I don't suppose that beauty is for sale?".
> Does the rest of us get this treatment with their finished cars?
> Peter s