Anyone out there know how to trace a car that was sold?
Years ago, I bought a new 76 Spitfire. After two years, got tired of
the car payments, a year later we had our first kid. Who knew they'd go
out of business, and only recently have I been able to get another
I'm wondering whatever happened to my 76. It's not listed on the
international spitfire registry. I bought it in Oregon, and sold it in
oregon in 78. Oregon DMV has privacy laws that won't reveal the name or
address of car owners. The person that bought it from me doesn't live
where he lived back then anymore.
Any ideas?
Brad Richardson
Portland, Oregon
79 Spitfire (FM90541U, really a 78 as made June 78)
79 Spitfire (TFZDW29T001453, really a 80 as made Nov 79)