Depends what your after, nice introduction to mechanics, as well as how to
do things on the Spitfire. Get the Haynes, if however you are a bit more
confident of what the different parts are, then get the workshop manual.
I find the BL manual easyer to folow, because you never get assembly is the
reverce of removal, it takes you through everything. Although each of the
stages are only one or two short sentances, they are clearer and more
consice. Also all the diagrams are triumph drawings instead of photographs,
which are actualy clearer to see the features you are interested in.
Rimmer do the workshop manual, so do the TSSC, Moss, TRGB, even, and mabe .com if you are willing to wate.
With the workshop manual I would get the Haynes carburetter manual for your
specifice ilk, and the Haynes Spitfire GT6 Vittes and Herold restoration
guide instead of the normal haynes manual.