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Re: My 2 cents on machine shops

To: "John Suchak" <suchak@mediaone.net>, "Triumph TR 7" <tr7@primenet.com>
Subject: Re: My 2 cents on machine shops
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 20:00:51 +0100
>Take a look at a Daimler SP250 "Dart" sometime, it may have been one..
>They're SO cool, big old honking V8.  Saw one at the VSC Historics at
>Daytona last year, it sounded wild (until it retired with a bad motor

Well only a 2.5L V8, and I believe quite a light one at that, but it's has
quite a bit of poke.  Coupled with a fiberglass body, and you realy do have
some serious grin factor.

Personly I prefir the more subtule sound of a streight six above all else,
and I can't stand the sound of a V6, even if they probebly have the most
power.  People don't sometimes notice how nice a GT6 realy sounds.  I also
like the sound of a streight 3, my friend has a car with 3 cylinders, makes
buying a set of spark plugs a wast though.


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