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Re: Mig Welders Again

To: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Mig Welders Again
From: Nick Moseley <nmoseley@comsavings.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 14:48:56 -0700
James, congrats on the purchase of the welder. Please keep us posted on
progress. I will be reading avidly as there is welding needed on one of my
cars, and despite taking a welding class, I am still apprehensive about
trying it.
BTW, the talk about whether or not to remove the petrol tank, and that BBQ
you were thinking of making, I hope it won't be a lit Spitfire....


At 06:56 PM 7/17/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Just to say, I've done it, I have got myself a MIG.
>Descided to pay for the car insurance in 10 installment, £509 quid for me a
>12K miles a year.  PS tubular manifold makes no difference to the cost:-)
>So had the cash to go and get a new MIG
>First I looked at was a 90A model for 200 pounds.  The second was a 130A
>Turbo model for 210 pounds, guess which one I got.  It takes disposable
>cartrages, but also has a connector for a 1/4 inch rubber hoze, so I can get
>myself a regulator and refilable bottel later.  Have enough to do two sills
>at the moment.  Anyway the chap said that it was powerfull enough to cope
>with the chassis work if needed but went down low enough to cope with the
>body tub.
>Takes the 5kg wire reals.
>Anyway to the querys.
>What constitutes good practice work on the car, things like welding up
>stress cracks in the bonet and arround the door hinges etc?  Howabout
>fitting a MC firewall repair pannel?
>What work constitutes removing the fule tank, and what work dosn't.   There
>has to be a point where the risk of removing the tank outways the risk of
>weling with it in place.  Nowhere seems to have a good guide?   You wouldn't
>remove the tank for welding up the very front of the car.
>How do you know if your welds are structuraly sound or not, and how do you
>know when your ready to tackle things like the sills and floor pans, and
>boot floor?
>Tell you what, I feel the need to make a BBQ all of a suden, does this
>normaly happen when you buy a welder.  Are there any other things I might
Nick Moseley

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