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Re: big tester

To: vafred@erols.com
Subject: Re: big tester
From: Brad Kahler <bkahler@omc.ja.dtra.mil>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 13:19:15 -1000
Goodness, have we touched on a sensitive spot here fred?!!!!  While I'm
certain its faster than that TR3 in connecticutt I'm fairly certain that
if I can get up enough speed in the spit to engage the overdrive THEN I
think I can overtake you!!!

Fred_Thomas_ wrote:
> It's faster than your "spit" and sure runs better than that T/R 3 in Conn.
> Brad Kahler wrote:
> > Fred,
> >
> > > Listers, this actually happened (model A) and will give some of you a
> > > good test of engine trouble shooting = after installing my brand new
> > > engine and one loud back-fire, readjusted the timing, and she started
> > > right-up,  this car has everything brand new, all in perfect working
> > > order, idle is perfect, timing is perfect, cam is perfect, no vac.
> > > leaks,by the book everything is in perfect working condition, but, the
> > > car will not go over 10 MPH no matter what you try to do, whats wrong
> > > ????? Correct answer gets a drink in Portland from our most gracious
> > > "Volunteer".  "FT"
> >
> > I'd have to say its because its a Model A and thats all the faster it
> > would go anyway!

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