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FW: Unleaded in Stag V8

To: "'Spitfire List'" <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: FW: Unleaded in Stag V8
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 15:05:05 +0100
Hi SpitPilots!

A friend of mine who's on the Stag list just forwarded this to me.  I've
never heard of unleaded fuel damaging gaskets or seals before - I
thought I'd see if anyone else has.  I know for a fact that all of the
suppliers say that the only thing you need to do to a Spitfire is get
hardened exhaust valve seats fitted, and maybe adjust the timing a bit.


>From:  Julian Richardson
>Sent:  16 July 1999 14:56
>To:    Dean Dashwood; Andy Crowne
>Subject:       FW: Unleaded in Stag V8
>more on the ol' unleaded debate... no no, unleaded sounds like *such* a
>better alternative to leaded ;)
>From:  TriStagReg@aol.com[SMTP:TriStagReg@aol.com]
>Sent:  15 July 1999 21:33
>To:    john.h.clayton@dial.pipex.com
>Cc:    stag-digest@digest.net
>Subject:       Unleaded in Stag V8
>Hello All,
>       I realize that most do not read all the e-mails posted on this 
>subject, and UK Owners have some worries about using unleaded.    We in the 
>USA have been using unleaded since the '70's.  Only valve I ever burnt out 
>was on my '63 Herald, although I did manage to find leaded premium for my 
>TR250 until 1980.  Like Tony Hart says, most Stags were built with the 
>hardened seats and exhaust valves regardless of market, excepting very early 
>models.  I feel UK owners are worrying unduly.
>The problem you will all find is that the additives in unleaded will eat your
>gaskets and seals that are exposed to unleaded fuel unless newer materials 
>have been installed in the fuel system and engine.  Especially be wary of 
>oxygenated fuel additives like MTBE, TBTE, Methanol, and Ethanol.  They all 
>will eat your rubber based seals, gaskets and diaphragms, plus the emissions 
>if not run through a catalist are toxic.  So much for clean air?  A long 
>running argument among the enfironmentalists.  Unleaded is designed for use 
>in cars with catalists and that have additional emmission control computers 
>to regulate the burn.  There are hundreds of studies, just search the net.
>In My Not So Humble Opinion, Yours for Speculation ...  bring it on ...
>Glenn Merrell
>Triumph Stag Register USA VP

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