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Re: Oil Coolers

To: "Terry L. Thompson" <tlt@digex.net>
Subject: Re: Oil Coolers
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 15:03:44 -0700
That adapter is a real source of trouble.  There isn't really a "good"
way to point it, but I have found that the two hose fittings best fit
between 6 and 9 o'clock.  Just be very careful that the hoses are
strapped firmly away from the steering coupler because that will quickly
wear a hole in the hose if it contacts it.

Of course, I did it on a 1500 engine that has had all the emissions
stuff removed, so the air pump and other items may restrict the
positioning of the adapter.

I guess the operative term here is "trial and error".

Joe Curry

P.S. The braided stainless hoses are well worth the additional cost.

"Terry L. Thompson" wrote:
> I bought an oil-cooler last summer, and decided that the 100+ degree temps
> we're
> getting on the eastern sea-board might be motivation to install the cooler.
> The instructions that I got for installing the Oil-cooler onto the engine
> block, failed to notate the best orientation for installation of the adapter.
> Right now I have the aluminum adapter (that goes between the engine block
> and the
> oil filter, with the fittings for the hoses) pointing downward at about a 4
> o'clock
> position. It doesn't appear that the hoses are able to come off of that
> adapter
> in any other position due to placement of the; engine mounts, oil pressure
> sensor, and
> alternator bracket.
> Is there a wrong way to point the adapter-to-hose fittings for this thing
> to function
> correctly? My oil pressure light goes out quickly, so I assume it's working
> okay.
> Terry L. Thompson
> '76 1500 Spit
> (still haven't bought the '70 Mark III, since I've been offered a deal on a
> '68)
> Maryland

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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