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RE: Found One!!

To: Laura Gharazeddine <Laura.G@141.com>
Subject: RE: Found One!!
From: Scott Hall <sch8489@garnet.acns.fsu.edu>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 00:34:13 -0400
bought my first spit for ~$850.  needed interior, brakes and clutch m/c. 
 was ripped off, perhaps, but had fun.  saw spit locally recently, not 
_too_ much worse.  owner will take ~$30.  I need to get over there this 
weekend with a flatbed.

scott, with a new son who is causing him to neglect his auto habit...

-----Original Message-----
From:   Mark Gardner [SMTP:mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com]
Sent:   Saturday, June 26, 1999 1:23 PM
To:     Laura Gharazeddine
Cc:     Chris DeStaffany; spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject:        Re: Found One!!

Laura Gharazeddine wrote:
> Or a 2k car with things like...seats?
> I know a guy who just sold a spitfire for $1700-but it hadn't an 
> Needed new paint, but it ran decently enough.
> Anyone checked out Hemmings lately? Prices are all over the board on 
> my 2 cents,
> Laura G. and Nigel

That was the confusing thing about trying to buy a Spit - There didn't
seem to be much consistency in pricing.  Kelly Blue Book (kbb.com) says
in SoCAl that a reconditioned spit at a dealer should sell for just over
$2K, but I didn't see a single $2K sppit at a private party that was
really fully drivable.  I'm not sure my wife really believes that I've
finally found and bought a car, after all that looking.  Of course, I
don't really have it yet, but I'm presuming everything will go OK
tonight, and I'll get to play with it tomorrow.



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