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Gearshift Pattern

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Gearshift Pattern
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 19:27:14 -0600
While restoring my 1500 transmission, I found the grungy old 
leather covered shift lever knob needed renewing.  The cheap metalic 
foil transfer stuck on top with the shift pattern had worn off.

        What to do?

As I have an engraving machine, I created a file with the shift pattern 
1-2-3-4-R in reverse image, inside a circle 30mm diameter then engraved 
the back of a 1/4" piece of clear acrylic.  

        Then I cut it out, filed, emery papered and polished the edges 
of the circle to give a slightly domed look.  I painted in the engraved 
letters and lines with white (and a tiny brush), and sprayed the back 
with matt black.  This was then stuck into the recess in the top of the 
shift lever knob.  Looks like a bought one!

        So, I now have some extras engraved in reverse, painted white 
ready to be finished. These are actually 32mm diameter, but could be 
filed down if need be.
         If anyone needs one, let me know and for an American 2 dollar 
bill I'll mail you one.
        If there is a need for others, with different shift patterns 
than the standard Spitfire single rail gearbox uses I'll consider making 
some up.

Cheers, Fred
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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