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Re: sdrawkcab tah

To: njaremka@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: sdrawkcab tah
From: Bill Gunshannon <bill@cs.uofs.edu>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:09:27 -0400 (EDT)
According to nikolai jaremka:
> well, i know what you mean about the sunburn on the neck.  the
> back of my neck is darker than the rest of my body from driving
> around in the spit.  but, i have to ask, what's a deer stalker
> hat???

First, a deerstalker is the funny looking hat with a brim in the back
as well as the front that Sherlock Holmes is traditionaly shown wearing.

And second, boy am I jealous.  You guys are complaining about it being
to hot to drive your Spitfires and I spent the weekend sulking about
not being able to drive mine in such fantastic weather. (It's not
roadworthy enough for even a little spin at this point, but the
new rear shocks should arrive this week.  Hopefully, the spring is not
shot as well from the previous owner obviously driving it long after the
rear shocks wore out!!)  I'll take an open roadster over my air conditioned
Grand Cherokee any day.


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
bill@cs.uofs.edu         |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>   

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