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my turn to ask for help

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: my turn to ask for help
From: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@mrdog.msl.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:37:44 -0400
Bothers and Spitsters!

(That is the last pun for this posting until I think of another. And I
do like spitsters, personally.  Spinsters, too.  Most people.
Nevermind.  I never said any of that.  Especially about liking people.)

Anyway, the diagrams I have for Spit electrics only cover through
MY-68.  My spit is (mostly) a 69.  I have the hazard flasher switch
between the speedo and tach, and light switch beneath the heater
controls in the center of the vehicle.  The questions are:

- Where can I get a real wiring diagram for this machine?

- Any suggestions for wire harness suppliers?  (I have several; mostly
  chopped off just aft of the fuse box, none of which seem to fit this

- Where does the ignition switch mount?  Looks like one might fit in a
  hole that is to the lower left of the instrument panel, but I don't
  remember that on my other '69 Spit (that I sold about 22 years ago.)

- There exists another hole in the IP at the lower right, where I
  thought an ignition switch would have been, but the hole is the
  wrong size.  What lives there?  Wipeshield winder switch?  Choke?
  Throttle? (This is getting violent.  Gag.)

- Perhaps someone has a picture of their IP they could send me?  jpeg
  or ascii-art or anything?

- A wierd one -- The engine currently in the car has serial number
  y23298he.  Any info about what kind of specs this motor might have
  been built to, and for what vehicle, would be appreciated. (I also
  have the block and all parts, I think, for engine fe48180e, which is
  correct for this body, I think.  Eventually I plan to rebuild it.)

- It looks like a mk-2 exhaust will fit the installed mechanicals, but
  I would like to know where on the mk-2 the header ends and the front
  muffler pipe connects.  Distance to the joint fore or aft of the
  bellhousing front face and from centerline of vehicle would help a

TIA, usw.
(No further puns, I guess.  Must be a slow day.)

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