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RE: Manifold Studs

To: "'James Carpenter'" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>,
Subject: RE: Manifold Studs
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:42:53 +0100

Try using loads of penetrating oil (it's better than WD40) to get the
old ones out.  Failing that, use some heat if you can.  If all else
fails, the PO of my Spitfire (also UK 1500) had drilled them out and
replaced them with bigger studs/nuts off of a Vitesse.

As for locking them in, I think you just turn them.  There's no reason
they should come loose, unless something's worn.

I'd recommend getting them from a specialist - they're not particularly
expensive, and at least then you'll know that you've got something
that's designed to withstand the kind of heat they have to put up with.


>From:  DWARE@uk.ibm.com[SMTP:DWARE@uk.ibm.com]
>Sent:  23 June 1999 11:20
>To:    James Carpenter; Spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       Re: Manifold Studs
>To solve my problem with a blowing manifold, a hole in the flange, (Ref: A
>New Noise: Fluttering: Exhaust) I took my welder to it last night, that
>solved it. I don't think I'll be needing my studs anymore :-)
>This may not be quite the solution you were after.
>James wrote:
>How easy-hard is it to chainge the three manifold studs on the UK1500
>manifold.  Mine are so badly rusted there is hardly any thread left, hense
>the nuts come off, and the manifold keeps on blowing.
>Anyone managed to chainge these, and how do you lock them in there, I
>presume locktight studlock will burn off.
>Can you use normal ones, or am I going to have to order them from a

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