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O/D - Didn't buy it-Didn't see it

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: O/D - Didn't buy it-Didn't see it
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 18:01:46 -0700
Thanks to all who answered my query about intermittent O/D.  Next time I
run up against the problem, I'll know where to start.  Nice to hear that
the units themselves are so robust.  In any case, I didn't buy the car,
I didn't even look at it.  I saw the add on specialcar.com.  I exchanged
emails with the owner, and spoke to him on the phone several times.  We
agreed to meet on Friday.  I called him on my way out the door for final
directions.  He said "By the way, what was the price in the ad?"  I told
him "$2750".  He said "OHHH no no no....This is a $4750 car."  I told
him thanks anyway, I'd keep looking...

Looked at Spitfire #14 later that day - a fairly nice '78.  But it had a
noise in the tranny.  When coasting down in first with the clutch
depressed, there was a pretty loud racket from the box - like something
coming adrift.  He told me it has always done that, he thought all spits
did that, he just had the box looked at and the mechanic said all was in
order.  Still, it scared me.  Any comments?  The other thing that really
put me off is that when I checked the steering, the steering wheel had
about 1 inch play before the wheels turned.  He pulled the center cap,
and tightened the steering wheel nut with his fingers (!!!).  I couldn't
help thinking that if he couldn't be bothered to keep the steering wheel
tight, what else was he forgoing.  Still, I almost bought the car, but
had cold feet at the last minute.

On to #15....

Mark Gardner

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