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Re: Shifting difficulty found - Fathers Day diappointment

To: PVanDuyne@aol.com
Subject: Re: Shifting difficulty found - Fathers Day diappointment
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 06:42:18 -0600
If you don't require an Overdrive unit, I'd think that a good used
gearbox should be readily available for under $200.  They are fairly
plentiful since most people are looking for OD units these days.  And
having a spare never hurts.

Good Luck,

PVanDuyne@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/16/99 11:09:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, tedtsimx@q1.net
> writes:
> << It's not easy to see from under the dash.  you cannot see the snap ring
> but if
>  there is a lot of meovement of either 2nd or 3rd gear on the mainshaft, you
> may
>  have found your problem.  ted
>   >>
> Ted appears to be correct 3rd gear shows a lot of movement.  I need to
> rebuild the gear box so I will miss the Portland show that my son & I were
> looking forward to driving the Spit to.  We can go in my Toyota but it's just
> not the same.
> I am fairly handy and am sure that given the time (more time, Saturdays only,
> than I have before July 28th) I could rebuild the gearbox myself.  My garage
> facilities are minimal power only via extension cords.  I can lift the car
> only 18" off the ground, no hoists etc., etc.
> I have contacted a friend of mine who operates a transmission repair business
> and will get a quote but I fear the cost will be to high as I will be sending
> two sons to college next year.
> Any other ideas for an economical repair.  Anyone have a rebuilt gearbox (I
> don't have O/D, although hmmmmm) that they want to part with? I will replace
> the clutch and plate, any other things I should do while the transmission is
> out?
> Pete VanDuyne
> 1980 Spit
> Central Mass.

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 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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