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RE: break in oil

To: riumph list <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: break in oil
From: "Kirby T. Kenyon" <ktkenyon@borg.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 13:17:08 -0400

I assume that you are not a professional machinist and are therefore doing
this guy a favor by working on his motor.   It may be HIS car, but you have
a reputation to keep up.  After all, if your engine "rebuild" goes bad
after only a handfull of miles, who will be blamed, you or the owner?

My advice?  I've never rebuilt an engine but I have heard much about
"leftover gunk" from the rebuild process.  I would suggest that you do what
you feel comfortable with yourself, and remember this experience the next
time someone wants you to do a complete engine rebuild for them.

At 10:43 AM 6/10/99 -0500, Craig Smith wrote:
>You have to remember one thing,
>It's HIS car !
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dave Terrick [mailto:dterrick@pangea.ca]
>Sent: Thursday, June 10, 1999 12:18 PM
>To: Triumph list
>Cc: spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: break in oil
>O listers  (the VW bus list gets to call themselves "volks" or "loafers" -
>we gotta come up with something better  than "listers")
>I have done some work for a club member with an early TR6 amounting to a
>complete engine rebuild (ie everything new).  While I have not followed this
>instruction in the past, my machinist was adament that I use a lightweight
>oil ("lightest I can find, like a 5/30") to do the running in (50 miles and
>the 20 minute cam thing, etc) as it will pressurize faster, flow faster in
>the motor, and have greater chances of washing away the inevitable "gunk"
>leftover after the assembly lube has done it's job.
>The owner has shown signs of cheapness in other areas of the progress, ie no
>new rad hoses, etc.  Whether due to financial problems or lack of trust I'm
>not sure, but I'd like as many direct opinions prior to Friday 4:00  as
>possible.  He has been off work with a fractured right arm for the past
>three weeks and could not drive the car even if he wanted to, yet seems to
>want the car to run immediately.  I just want the job to be over.
>1.  What of the break in oil vs 20/50?  Personal experience, machinist
>2.  I feel it is my right to refuse to fill and run the motor until the
>owner spends a whopping $10 on a jug of oil.  This project has been going on
>since 1995 (big gaps, admittedly) and always the delays have been
>financially related.  This guy makes more money that I do and it pisses me
>off that he doesn't budget better!  Am I being pedantic and self centered,
>or would you all do the same thing?  I've about had it with this guy and his
>aproach, and sure don't want to jeopardize the work I've done so far.  I
>also do not want to be jaded by events that have occured in the past.  I
>should also note that if the situation requires it, I may show him some of
>your comments backing up my position.
>Thanks in advance
>Dave Terrick

Kirby T. Kenyon

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