If you pull the bulkhead panel behind the seats or in the front of the trunk
you will find a clamp that holds the rubber tube to the filler and one that
holds the rubber tube to the tank. Loosen the top one and pull the filler
Hope this helps.
N.A. Campiglia III
Abilene, TX
'67 Spitfire MKIII
'74 Spitfire 1500 UPDATED!!
inal Message -----
From: Kevin B. Rhodes <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 2:47 PM
Subject: Removing gas filler
> Hello all,
> As I proceed with stripping my parts car I realized that the gas filler
> is in much better shape on the parts car than on Freddy. Any helpful hints
> on how the thing comes off and goes back on?
> Kevin Rhodes
> Portland, Maine