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Memorial Day Holiday (small LBC content)

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Memorial Day Holiday (small LBC content)
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 08:21:28 -0500
Hi all!

I had a marvelous time over the holiday, and I hope all ya'll did too! 
We went to the Indy 500 and had a blast!!!!  The highlight this year was
the stealth bomber cruising over almost silently during the national
anthem -- it raised the hairs on the back of my neck, that's for sure!! 
The race was incredible -- everyone who we thought had a chance to win
during the first half was taken out due to wrecks or mistakes or car
problems.  It was really disappointing to see Arie (front-runner from
the start) wreck, and then to have Greg Ray (from Plano, TX!) wreck in
the pits, and what a disappointment for Robbie Gordon, to run out of gas
on the last lap!!  Bet Brack was ecstatic!  

We went fishing Saturday (at the pre-race party at a friend's lake
house) from a jon boat in a lake in Terre Haute and caught lots of fish,
including a good-sized bass, and got in some great relaxation time. 
Sunday we drove in early to the track, cooked breakfast, ran around
inside the track, watched the race, cooked out some more while traffic
died down, then drove back to Chicago.  Monday we ran around Chicago
(where my sister lives) and saw a bunch of stuff.  We took the Yellow
Duck tour that drives around the city then plops into the harbor and
cruises there.  What fun!  It was an excellent trip!

The mandatory Spitfire sighting occurred Saturday at 12:15 noontime on
Hwy 394 just north of Sauk Trail.  There was a white 1500 headed north
with the top down as we were headed south to Terre Haute.  Anyone on the
list???  And there is a TR6 that lives on West Webster in Chicago --
I've seen it for two years in a row now, parked with a car cover in an
apartment parking lot.

Back to Indy next year!  

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley  :)
Dallas, Texas

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