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RE: Spitfire Screen Saver

To: "'Atwell Haines'" <carbuff@nac.net>, Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com>,
Subject: RE: Spitfire Screen Saver
From: Michael Graziano <mgrazian@ltcm.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 15:19:26 -0400
None taken.  I was just curious. Besides,  you were a lot of help this


'78 Midget

 /                                     \
|           Michael Graziano            |
|   Long Term Capital Management L.P.   |
|         Phone: 203-552-5706           |
|         Fax:   203-552-5869           |
|       Email: mgrazian@ltcm.com        |

-----Original Message-----
From: Atwell Haines [mailto:carbuff@nac.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 2:49 PM
To: Mike Welch; Spitfires (E-mail)
Cc: Michael Graziano
Subject: RE: Spitfire Screen Saver

At 09:33 AM 6/1/99 -0600, Mike Welch wrote:
>I wanted to start off with Spitfires [on the screen saver], since that's
the common thread between
>all of us, but I can put in other models. Maybe I'll just change the name
>Triumph Screen Saver, or LBC Screen Saver<g>
>  The way I have it set up, you'll be able to add whatever images you want.
>I'm just looking into a folder, and displaying all of the JPEG images that
>find.  So, you could add your own images as you see fit.

No offense to Michael, but I'm only interested in the Spitfires. Let's keep
it that way; if you have other LBCs let 'em add JPEGs on your own system.

BTW what kind of resources  does your SS use?   I hate the ones that lock
up your computer.  [Hint:   DON'T try the Acura NSX s/s available from


Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire
Succasunna, NJ USA
"When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?"

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