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Re: Coil.... To Ballast or Not To Ballast....

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Coil.... To Ballast or Not To Ballast....
From: Flinthoof Ponypal <Flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 11:05:38 -0700
At 01:11 PM 5/26/99 -0400, Michael Graziano wrote:

>I'd like to get the Lucas Gold (sport coil), even though my ignition may be
>ballasted.  The stock 1500 Midgets were ballasted. How can I determine if
>the ballast has been removed by the PO or not?  It's necessary to remove it
>for the Lumenition to operate correctly and to keep the sport coil from
>burning out.

       Disconnect the current coil (which is probably gone anyways) and
check the voltage from terminal to ground with the key on.  It should be
around 8-9 volts dc.  When you crank the engine, it should read the full
12-13 volts.  This indicates there is a ballast resistor or resistance wire
in the system.  If it reads 12 volts all the time when the key is on then
the coil was internally ballasted.

-Vegaman Dan
-66/69 Spitui!
 |             |   Equinart Studios * Furry Artist * Model Railroader   |
 |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
 |    1999     |--------------------------------------------------------| 
 |             |       ConiFur NorthWest '99- Furries in Seattle!       |
 |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
 | CONIFUR NW  |  Flinters@picarefy.com * www.picarefy.com/~flinthoof   |

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