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Re: Windshield dating

To: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>,
Subject: Re: Windshield dating
From: Tom Shirley <tshirley@VoyagerOnline.net>
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 20:52:32 -0400
Fred Griffiths wrote:
> I couldn't get to the VTR site.

The Spitfire Garage isn't on the VTR site. It's part of my website which
can be accessed below. I try to archive all the tips as well as any
other good general knowledge from the list. Hope this helps with a
question in the future.

                                          /  \
Tom Shirley Sale Creek, TN      __     .=_.--._=.     __
BAD DOG Racing                 |  |---|<|      |>|---|  |
1982 Royale RP31M Formula Ford |  |    \ \ 18 / /    |  |
1978 Triumph Spitfire          |__|-----\<\__/>/-----|__|


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