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new family member

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: new family member
From: Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg <blomberg@get2net.dk>
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 12:17:10 +0200
After a few months without my spitfire, i finally yesterday bought a late
model MK3. nice feeling to drive a spit again, though i didn't remember
there was so much rear noise at 60 mph. Its a nice red model, without the
triumphbadges on the boot and front (due to beeing late MK3)and virtually
no rust. Just a little rust peeking through rond the frontlights, thats
all! ((at least to my knowledge) I think this car is a good car, though I'm
a bit concerned about this rumbling from the rear. I'll have to gett the
wheels balanced to see if that will solve the problem. End for now, I'll
take a roadtrip for the rest of the day ( did 100 miles yesterday, and got
a sunburned nose)

Nikolaj Blomberg
Uwe - 1969 MK3

ps: joe,, I'll send you all the info for the database as soon as I get
them, at present time the commisionnumberplate is all corroded, but i hobe
that some polishing will solve this

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