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Re: brake bleeding

To: "Michael Graziano" <mgrazian@ltcm.com>,
Subject: Re: brake bleeding
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 17:06:57 -0400
> OK what's PDWA?
> Mike
Pressure Differential Warning Activator (Actuator?)....if one of the two
separate systems (front, back) on the tandem brake M/C fails, the loss of
pressure causes a shuttle in the PDWA to move to one side causing the
warning light on the dash to light...if the bulb isn't burned out....or if
it hasn't been removed because some DPO or DPM (damned previous mechanic)
didn't know how to balance the two systems after the appropriate repairs
were made.

Keith Stewart

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