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Re: non LBC - wiring diag.

To: Peter Ficklin <pficklin@qnis.net>
Subject: Re: non LBC - wiring diag.
From: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 17:04:29 -0700
(I'm replying to the list, since this applies to finding
wiring diagrams in general)

I recently had good luck getting a wiring diagram from a
local mechanic shop (chosen at random from the yellow pages),  
In my particular case, they just printed it from their 'alldata'
system. So just find a shop that is oriented toword old cars/classics,
and ask them if they'll let you get a printout or photocopy 
of the one for your truck.

I've found that the diagrams in haynes manuals for older vehicles
are pretty complete too. (The ones for modern cars just show
selected sub systems.)

Good luck. 

Peter Ficklin wrote:
> Sorry for the non-LBC bandwidth...
> Anybody know offhand where I can locate a copy of a wiring
> diagram/schematic for a '62 Chevy pickup?
> I'll take replies off-list, please.
> TIA,
> Peter Ficklin

Reed Mideke                                        rmideke@interbase.com

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