> [snip]
> "Wow! Fat Car". I was
> like "excuse me". At first I thought maybe something
> was wrong with the car (typical Spit owner response,
> eh?). Then I thought maybe it was some sort of
> put-down. Finally I decided maybe she meant "Fast
> Car". I was about to explain my 1500 engine wasn't
> about to win any races when my wife, noticing I was
> perplexed, informed me it was a compliment. "Fat", my
> wife explained, is like "bad", "hot", "radical", you
> know--"cool". It was a landmark occassion for me
> actually, foreshadowing proof at 29 soon to be 30 I'm
> already falling from the mainstream.
> So don't make my mistake, listers. Be informed, you
> are driving fat cars!
No such luck for this 29(soon to be 30, well OK in November)year old,
all I ever hear is either Wow, it goes!!!!!!! or Wow, fat bloke, crap
car!!!! :-)