While your at it, can you do something about UK prices.
When we by 10 pounds of fuel 8 pounds goes on TAX! Personally I dont mind
paying that much if all vehicles were taxed by weight in the UK. Makes
sense, the heavier they are the more damage the do. But instead they say if
it's less than 1.1 its environmentally friendly and so has only to pay 50
pounds tax a year, else its a gas guzeler and should pay 180 pounds a year.
So a 1.2 fiesta pays as much as a 5L BMW or some off road vehicle that only
gets used in city traffic.
Also people in the country where cars are essential (no bus service) have to
pay way more tax than people in the city who don't need cars.
There was a little leaflet from the AA on the counter in the garage when I
fuelled up last, they are organising "Fair Deal for Motorists" campaign.
fairdeal@theaa.com for more info.
I don't mind paying tax, it's just tax which dosent make sence.
Soap box mode off.