Here in Texas, I recently bought gas for .76 cents per gallon.
Yesterday it was .99 cents. Oh well. But I don't feel as bad when I
see the $1.70's popping up on the list!
Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley :)
PS -- Got a new "sponsor today -- Jim White's Triple A Muffler in
Garland, Texas! He put an aluminized straight pipe off Tristan's
header, took the care to line it up nicely and recess it as much as
possible, hung it so it wouldn't vibrate, and put a nice downturn into
it at the end. When I asked what I needed to pay, he said, "Just put a
sticker on your car for me. I do this for all of the race cars." What
a guy! So if you are ever needing muffler work in Garland (suburb of
Dallas) call him at 972/271-6013. I was recommended to go there by
several people, and he does a lot of custom and performance
applications, apparently.