The Rogues Gallery has a new home. It can now be found at
I left a redirect screen at the old URL, but you should update your
bookmarks to the new URL because redirect wont be there forever. I added
everyone who submitted info or asked for changes to their page. This was a
major change in the way the page works (user should see no difference), so
if you notice anything not working right, please let me know right away so
I can fix it.
Joe noticed that there were a lot of links that are no longer valid. I have
not had time to fix these yet. I will get to it as soon as I can. Thanks
If you haven't stopped by the Rogues Gallery for a while you should drop on
in for a visit. Lots of new people have been added recently. If you have
any pictures you can send me I will be happy to put them on your page.
More than half the Rogues Gallery members have no pictures yet. I like to
see what everyone looks like and what their cars look like.
David Gates