John, I had a rare couple of days like that, working on the Spit racer I
bought from you, I have a donor car that's being disected and I'm ready to
swap engines. Work as much as you can on your car while in the 'pregnant'
stage. I have a 20 month old boy, and projects tend to go a lot slower with
a newborn, it's not 'Honey I'll be in the garage all day, deal with the baby
while I have fun with the car...' I wouldn't trade it for anything in the
world, it just takes a little longer to get things done. Good thought
getting that Spit beater, I just bought a GT6 which I was going to swap
frames with the Spit but decided to tackle one more. So I am now working on
the Spit Racer project (that's how we call it), a tired GT6, my brown 80
Spitfire ground up, and (sorry) my 73 914 so so restoration. The cancerous
growth of cars and parts has outgrown my 2 car garage, and has spread to my
backyard... thank God for an understanding wife willing to negotiate :-)
80 Spitfire + 80 Spit parts car + 76 TR6 + 80 TR8 + 7X Spit racer + 70 GT6
84 380 SL + 73 914 2.0
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of John Suchak
> Sent: Sunday, February 28, 1999 11:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: What a day..
> I had the quintessential Shop Day yesterday, just one of those utterly
> perfect ones...
> Big breakfast at my local diner where the waitress knows your name and
> what you want and rubs your pregnant wife's belly and keeps your coffee
> full, then home to the shop. Sunny blue sky, temps in the high 60's,
> shop doors thrown open to the breeze, dogs roaming in and out.
> Got my "fix" of stainless hardware on thursday so I was able to proceed
> on a bunch of projects that had been on hold for fasteners; pedals and
> masters and a bunch of the motor all went back on.. Later in the day a
> Spit Buddy dropped in and made me a deal on an immaculate steel hardtop,
> exchanged for a big old pile of my cast-off donor car remains out behind
> the shop, which were starting to become a problem for me with my
> up-coming household move looming on the horizon! (Talk about kismet!)
> My wife was like "Let me get this straight.. Mike's going to come and
> haul away all of that junk *AND* give you a perfect hardtop too?!?!? Is
> he nuts???"
> (She just doesn't see the value in rusty old tubs and bonnets...)
> Anyway, I capped off the day with a late afternoon drive in Mike's
> Spitfire, the *first* time I've driven a Spit since driving my donor car
> for ten minutes home from the sellers house four (long) years ago,
> whereupon it went into the garage for new carpets and never
> emerged.... If I've had any moments of frustration and impatience
> during my grueling Spitfire restoration, last night's half hour of
> actually driving one erased all memory of the blasphemous thought. I'm
> completely envious of y'all who actually *drive* your LBC!! (I just go
> out in the shop and rub money on mine!) I mean, these cars are a hoot
> to drive! (Who knew!?!)
> So now I'm actually considering the purchase of an "Interim Beater"
> Spit, something crappy but operational to drive until my "Perfect Spit"
> is done. (Like I don't have enough cars already, with only eight in the
> stable..)
> Anybody selling a beater?
> John