Well, I guess no matter how far you stray (Jag E-type, Porsche 356,
Cadillac (!?!)), you always return to your faithful marque.
Peter Egan is back, hunting Triumphs (Jan '99 Side Glances). I can
hardly wait!
Btw, has anyone ordered the "Side Glances" and "At Large" compilations
that R&T is offering, for $19.95 ea (US$)? I'm wondering how they
are, and will probably order them both by the end of the month.
Cheers, and happy reading!
Chip (anxiously awaiting next month's R&T)
Chip Mautz - Dacula, Ga, USA
Secretary/Treasurer, Georgia Triumph Association
'71 Triumph Spitfire MKIV - 'Ol Smokey
'99 Jeep Wrangler - _O|||||||O_
If it's stupid but works, it's not stupid.