To all the kind souls who were able to offer me their time with figuring out
what I can not, thank you. I still do not know what is wrong. I fear taking
Cheech anywhere b/c I know that he would not be recharged,and die. I would
give up and redo it all, but i can not afford to. For those who offered to
help in person, I warn you I can not reward you with more then a lunch at the
pizza place where I work(at least it's good pizza). you are my last hope, I am
just sorry that I can not come to you. If anyone is still interested in
helping, I live in Silver spring Md. (5min. from the beltway, goergia Ave. or
university Blvd. exit) and will make myself available whenever you are. If you
want to contact me this weekend I am available at 301-237-8597 (please lv.
msg. and i'll return your call immediatly).
Thank you all again,
&Cheech the '78go-nowhere spit....