OK, there is definite confusion in the manuals.
So just what is a Trunnion (3n's), the part at the lower end of the front
upright - which is labeled in the diagrams as a trunnion?
Or is it any part that uses a bushing similar to that on the Trunnion
described above?
I found references to the rear hub/trunnion housing in an early owners
handbook as a trunnion also in the procedure for dismantling outer axle shaft
even while the diagram refers to it as the trunnion housing.
I know there have been several people baffled when installing front trunnion
bushings in the rear trunnion housing (a term that doesn't come naturally to
I've always referred to the rear part as the rear hub or rear bearing hub.
Some workshop manuals refer to it as the hub bearing housing.
Perhaps John MacCartney can shed some light on this?