I know I'm not the only one to get this advertisement for a lexan
replacement windowss. I guess this is the beginning of the junk mail
Mark warned us about.
On the bright side its a great idea. We've got a sh*tload of lexan here
at work. I think I'll unzip my never used softtop window and experiment
with replacing it with .0625" lexan on Monday. I'll report back with
what I find.
Ryan Smith
72 Emerald Green Spitfire - with a softtop??
>Check out window fix! at www.v-mag.com
>Site is currently under construction. We will have more detailed
>information available soon, pricing, availability, etc.......
>Be a part of the solution: Please go to our website and fill out a
>customer survey, as your comments are very important. Your comments
>drive our business. The more surveys that get filled out, the sooner we
>will be in the market place.
>P.s. We have nervous investors!
>Home of the soft top window
>replacement system