At 10:09 AM 11/2/98 -0500, Bob W wrote:
>I'm just getting ready to buy a spitfire [maybe]. This will be a new
>experience for me.
A pleasant experience too if WE (on the List) have any say in it!
>I'm looking at a 1978, I would consider it to be in rough shape. The
>body appears to be solid, the frame, as much as I can see does not seem
>to be rusted through. The driver side floor board is rusted through.
Look carefully at the metal behind the seats, where the rear axle trailing
arms mount up to the body. Also the rear wheel arches on the bottom, just
aft of the rear wheels. The sills behind the front wheels can go also,
check 'em out.
> It
>has a hard top, and overdrive trans. I'm told the OD was rebuilt. It has
>a new battery and starter. It runs but not good enough to drive, will
>not idle or rev up to much. My guess is the carb, it has been sitting
>for at least a year with little attention.
A wise buyer would do a compression test before purchase. Sometimes major
problems are explained away by the seller saying "it just needs a tune-up".
>I would be interested in the value. I realize there could be a broad
>range of prices, but this will give me a good idea where the starting
>price should be. I'm in central Florida if that makes any difference to
>the cost. The car was bought in IL. by this owner, who thought it was
>CUTE but now she does not want to spend what it will take to restore it.
My 2 cents:
Bob, unless you are handy with a welder, it takes a ton of money to repair
body panels on any LBC.
You didn't state the asking price or mileage.
Are the seats and the rest of the interior OK? You could easily spend a
grand there if they need restoration; the covers rip, and the foam
Is the soft top OK? They run $150 to $350 plus installation.
Past discussions on the List have revealed that the prices in the Midwest
are MUCH higher than on the East Coast. There are a lot of questions I
have, but with what you have given me, I would start the bidding at $500 if
the interior needs work.
Hope I didn't discourage you. Depending where you are in FL, maybe a
nearby Lister could look at the car with you (John Suchack).
Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire FM96062 UO
Succasunna, NJ USA