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Re: 77 Spit motor and tranny

To: Thorn <tthorn@comp.uark.edu>, fred thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Subject: Re: 77 Spit motor and tranny
From: jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil (Bowen, Patrick A. RP2)
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 08:25:50
I have bought and sold several trannys and overdrives.  The price for the
trannys seem to range between $75 and $175.  The cost of an overdrive if
you look around is about $350, some yoohoos try and charge upwards of $750,
ridiculous.  You can find one for about $350.


At 06:33 PM 10/20/98 -0500, Thorn wrote:
>On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, fred thomas wrote:
>> Harris Goodkind wrote:
>> > 
>> > Good lord, I just bought a WHOLE '79 Spitfire for $200!
>> > Even has a factory hardtop and overdrive!
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > perspective. I've sold at least one for no more than $125, and I know
>> > > there is at least one very reputable vendor in the UK who can UPS a
>> > > rebuilt gearbox to your door in the U.S. for a total cost not
>> > approaching
>> > > $500.
>> > >
>> > > Throw in OD and one MIGHT be then approaching the $500 mark, though...
>> > >
>some one please point me to one of those OD's that are so available and
>cheap!  I want one!
>'77 driver
Patrick Bowen
'79 Spitfire
Jacksonville FL

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