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Re: Speedo & Tach cables

To: KTRIUMPH@aol.com
Subject: Re: Speedo & Tach cables
From: "Brad Kahler" <Brad.Kahler@141.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 07:18:48 -0500
I'd like to think everyone who responded to my speedo & tach cable 
question.  Everyone agreed with what I had thought.  The flanged end 
of the cable goes to the instruments.


> In a message dated 98-09-07 11:25:02 EDT, you write:
> << I'm in the process of replacing my speedo and tach cables and as I was 
>  getting ready to pull the new cable in to place I realized that I didn't
>  know which end goes where.  One end of the inner cable has a flange and
>  the other end doesn't.  So which end goes where?
>   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Flange goes to tach/speedo
> Ken Nuelle
> 58 TR3A
> 62 TR3B
> 64 TR4

"Taxation WITH representation isn't so hot, either!"

Brad  (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)

1964 Spitfire4           BFC25720L (In "Teething" Mode right now)
1966 TR4A               CT72398L (Rebulding has commenced)
1951 Dodge Truck    82217766  B-3-B-108 (Spring shackle problems)

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