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RE: Header installation

To: "'John Hartman'" <harts1@ibm.net>
Subject: RE: Header installation
From: Chris Prugh <prubrew@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 07:29:43 -0700
        I'm gonna assume you are using the four into one style, as opposed to =
the 4-2-1.
On the 4-2-1, there should be no clearance problems at the frame, with =
only slight=20
modification needed for the mounting to the head...(some careful =
grinding with a dremel0

As for the 4-1, you may need to have the pipes bent slightly.  Go to =
your neighborhood muffler shop and ask them to bend on the machine (to =
retain tubular integrity).  Remember the old woodworker adage..."measure =
twice, cut (bend) once".

Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA
Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club
Publicity Director/Editor

-----Original Message-----
From:   John Hartman [SMTP:harts1@ibm.net]
Sent:   Sunday, September 06, 1998 5:05 PM
To:     spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject:        Header installation

Has anyone installed a header on a 1500 Spitfire? Do you have to raise =
the engine up to get  the header in place? I did that but the header =
hits  the frame and won't bolt tight to the head because of the lack of =

Any help is appreciated!


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