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Re - Naming Your Spit - renaming Mine

To: "John Macartney" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>,
Subject: Re - Naming Your Spit - renaming Mine
From: "Chris Leah" <crl@intekom.co.za>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 12:40:42 +0200
Great to hear your story. You're right, nothing quite like the sound of that
Merlin engine.
My old company co-sponsored the restoration of the only Spitfire left out
here in South Africa. Can't tell you what a thrill it was to be able to sit
in the cockpit and imagine what it would be like to fly it. Unfortunately, a
single seater, so no chance of a flight.
The aircraft flew over our Triumph National Gathering back in May, and
showed off with a few rolls and loops, etc., then landed at the airfield we
were at, allowing us to get photographs of our cars next to the aircraft.
Terrific photo of my Spitfire next to the original bearer of the name.
I agree with your name suggestion, but in light of current ownership, it
could be Stuka!

And continuing in the vein of names for cars, my Spitfire is named Fergie -
British, red and topless in the sun!


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