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RE: Well....No Real LBC, (except Lyin' Bill Clinton)

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, prubrew@ix.netcom.com
Subject: RE: Well....No Real LBC, (except Lyin' Bill Clinton)
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 07:20:59 -0500
There is nothing private about getting a blow job in the oval office.  All he
has done is try to get the lefties on his side and sway public opinion
against Kenneth Starr, who is doing his job.

The time and $$ comes from him lying about every issue.  

If he has lied for seven months about sex, how long has he lied about
other issues.  

I think he should resign and apologize again to us, the constitution, and to
the judicial system.

Sorry if you didn't want to eat the bandwidth.  The press seems to make
me think that I'm the only guy in america that feels this way, so I thought
everyone else should hear a different (but short) opinion.


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