I was driving my spit around last night (terrific weather here in
Virginia the last few days) and I stopped at a friends house to show off
my new wheels. When I pulled up, there were some kids across the street
who stopped playing and ran over to look at the spit. They were so
enthusiastic and commented on what a cool car it was. I was feeling
pretty good about myself and answered what questions they had. Then one
of them asked how much I paid for my "Viper". Without missing a beat, I
promptly told them "twenty-five hundred dollars" and they reacted like I
said 2 billion. I then lifted the hood and showed them my "8.0 litre
V-10." They left happy and I went inside with a small twisted smile of
my own.
Ryan Smith
Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
Emerald Green, 72 Spitfire