Well, here's how it went. After buying a voltimeter and some connectors
from Rat Shack, the problem was solved. one of the connectors to the
temprature sensor was bad, so I re-crimped on a new one. All the
continutiy tests were okay,, but still no go. After looking in the
drivers' side parcel shelf, I noticed a wire with a fuse that was broken.
The Lucas 25 amp fuse was still good. After putting it back together
haphazardly, the fan stil didn't work. I dinked around with it a little
more and said what the hell, and put the two contacts together. Alas, the
fan worked! It blew real fast. I put in some more coolant until it was
full. The road tests afterward were quite positive, with the temprature
meter going down 2 or 3 hairlines below 3/4ths. The super small leak in
the water pump disappeared, which I assume would of been from the metal
expansion running darn hot. I'd like to thank everyone who gave me advice
from both lists. Now it's time to fix that darn fuel guage.