Whilst driving my 75 Spit to get lawnmower gas (any excuse, right?) I
rounded a corner rather hard, and the pasenger door promptly swung out to
it's full extent. Luckily 8 year old stayed at home-and I DID NOT tell her
mother. ;( Seems the door adjuster is now off whack somehow after I
disassembled (again) the inner door pull, after the pot-metal handle broke
off in my hand. Cannot pull the door open after it's closed and latched
(she wondered WHY I was pulling on on the door-I mumbled something and left
it at that.
Musta been the torque on the body from the hard turning moment and slack
somewhere in the latching mechanism. I cant have passengers falling out of
the car. Looks bad. Everyone wears new seat and shoulder belts in the
any suggestions?
rick stieg 75 Spitfire solo until I fix this latest gremlin.