>My question is, in stock form is there a large difference between say a 73
>1500 and a 72 1300 given the same diffy and similar emissions and
>Its going to boil down to cost but I'd like some input before I get rid
>of a perfectly good 1300.
I anticipate a hail of 'flame' from 1500 engine listers having a divergent
view - but you did ask. You'll probably gain little from the 1500 lump.
Probably got a bit more torque and top end bhp in standard form but I don't
think there's all that much. It's important for me to point out that the US
engined cars which I drove so long ago were so choked with their emission
control kit that performance was something you effectively forgot and only
found in European spec cars. Many owners since then have done things in
removing this energy sapping kit, so there may be a difference but we
didn't have to put up with it in Europe for quite some time, so the cars
were certainly different. May I just say that the view of people within the
company was that the 1300 engine was the better unit. It revved more freely
and didn't sound so strained. If I was in the market for a Spitfire for
myself, I'd go for a 1300 engined one every time - either a Mk3 or an early
Mk4. If you can find an overdrive to stuff on the back end of the box,
you'll have real fun.
John Macartney
"Life at Triumph" in print - unique pictures and lots more. See info at
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