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Frank Bama, LBC owner

To: <Brad.Kahler@141.com>
Subject: Frank Bama, LBC owner
From: "rstieg" <rstieg@ci.bartlett.tn.us>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 14:47:56 -0500
You evil, rotten selfish little git!
How dare you boast of going off to see the lizard knowing those of us in
the mean hinterlands could not possibly take a ragtop day off from work to
get a first look at margaritaville.  Ive a good mind (?) to take a
Pascagoula Run to some beaches bars and boats in my Spitfire, hoping the
Lucas electrics wont need the 12-volt man.  Come monday, I'tll be all
right, I guess.
Apologies to the non-Parrotheads out there-but HE asked for it-probably had
TICKETS and everything.
grumble, grumble, humph...
rick stieg 75 Spitfire, 77 Parrothead (stolen garage-hung banner to prove

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