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student assistance thing and tr6 question

To: "list" <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: student assistance thing and tr6 question
From: "lsmc" <lsmc@lightspeed.net>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 21:42:06 -0700
    Thanks all for the help (especially Mr. Vic Whitmore). The article is
comming along fine and i still have a couple of weeks to "fine tune" it.
    Now for the important stuff......i MAY have the opertunity to purchase a
72 TR6. I say MAY because the deal sounds too good to be true....i think.
It's a 72, no rust. Interior is shot but all there. It runs and drives ok (i
think a tune up would make a big difference). Doesn't smoke. It does have
some wiring problems. Needs paint and not much body work (only three small
dings). Anyway the person that has it says he would sell it for $100. He
doesn't know what he has. I was working on that article for the spitfire and
talking to him about it and he said "i have one of those i need to sell".
Then he said it was a 72 Triumph and had a six cylinder engine. So i asked
him if maybe it was a TR6 and he said "yea, i think thats it......TR
Pretty cool, huh?
Just had to gloat!!!
Lew 63 spit and maybe a 72 TR6

P.S. Yea Brad, i guess my wife does love me!!haha

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