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Re: Su's. How to.

To: "rstieg" <rstieg@ci.bartlett.tn.us>, "Edward Hamilton" <hamilton@ptd.net>
Subject: Re: Su's. How to.
From: jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil (Bowen, Patrick A)
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 06:58:02

Haynes makes a great manual that covers these carbs, it is misleadingly
titled Weber Carburettors, but it actually covers Webers, SU, and Zenith
Stromburg's.  Most auto stores don't have them in stock, I found one at a
Pep Boy's, You can still have them special ordered and they are about
$17.00.  The Manual also lists supply houses and specialists that can help
you with your carb.  Hope I helped!

Patrick Bowen
'79 Spit

At 03:45 PM 6/26/98 -0500, rstieg wrote:
>I have inherited a box of FOUR SU's and 1 dual intake from a friend.  No
>springs, linkage, bolts, or manual.
>In short, no CLUE what to do next-except order the rebuild kits from a
>mailorder firm.  Do you have a manual or exploded view of these things
>(which are in various bits in a box-sounds like a wait till winter project
>to me-besides, it wont involve paint stripper!)
>I have no documentation, either. Like you, everything is Stromberg on the
>75 Spitfire.  Since it currently runs, I'm gonna wait till winter to start
>taking off operational parts.....
>rick stieg 75 spitfire

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